May 18-20, 2016
An Antelope Users Group meeting was held 18-20 May 2016 in Rome, Italy, organized by the Seismological Research and Monitoring Group of the University of Trieste and hosted by Presidenza Consiglio dei Ministri, Dipartimento di Protezione Civile. A link to the meeting flyer is here.
One of the highlights of the meeting was a showing of the short film
- Non chiamarmi terremoto (“Don’t call me earthquake”)
about the April, 2009 L’Aquila earthquake, as seen through the eyes of a 12-year-old girl. (The original, without English subtitles, is available here).
For further details about the meeting please see the meeting web-site.
Selected talks from the meeting:
- Seismic Monitoring in Italy by the Civil Protection Dept. (DPC) (Mario Nicoletti)
- The Friuli Venezia Giulia Accelerometric Network RAF and its Integration with the RAN (Giovanni Costa)
- Romanian Seismic Network (Marius Craiu)
- RAN — Italian Strong Motion Network (Luisa Filippi)
- Seismic Monitoring in Slovenia (Jurij Pahor)
- The Data Processing Methodology for the Seismic Observatory of Structures (OSS) (Daniele Spina)
- Antelope in Vienna Austrian Earthquake Service (Nikolaus Horn)
- Azerbaijan Seismic Network (Rugija Karimova)
- Earthquake, Tsunami, Volcano Monitoring & Warning System in Korea (Jimin Lee)
- Oman Seismological Network Data Acquisition And Analysis (Salam Al-Hashmi and Khalfan Al-Toubi)
- High Resolution Seismicity Relocation (Blaž Vičič)
- Results and Lessons Learned from USArray (Frank Vernon)
- High Performance Wireless Research and Education Network (Frank Vernon)
- ANZA Seismic Network (Frank Vernon)
- What’s New in Antelope 5.6 (Kent Lindquist)
- Python/Qt Graphics in Antelope (Danny Harvey)
- Managing Metadata with Antelope (Jennifer Eakins)
- Introducing FDSN StationXML (Celso Reyes)
- Focal Mechanism Framework in Antelope (Juan Reyes)
- Operations and Management of Large Environmental Monitoring Networks (Danny Harvey)
- Antelope (Kent Lindquist)