An Australian Antelope Users Group meeting was held 22-23 June 2013 in Brisbane, Australia preceding the 10th Annual AOGS meeting.
Selected talks are available for download below.
- What’s New in Antelope (Danny Harvey)
- Peregrine: Web-enhanced Antelope (Kent Lindquist)
- Antelope and Python (Kent Lindquist)
- The new BRTT Zendesk Support System (Kent Lindquist)
- The Australian Tsunami Warning System (Dan Jaksa)
- A Description of the W-phase (Phil Cummins)
- Seismometers in Schools Program (Natalie Balfour)
- Implementation of a Gazetteer of Geographic Regions in Australia (Michael Potter)
- Measuring the RMS Velocity Level in Buildings (Human Perception of Vibration) (Mathias Franke)
- W-phase Development at ATWS (Michael Potter)
- Kinemetrics, Inc. (Outhay Viengkhou)