May 29-31, 2017
The Austrian Zentralanstalt fuer Meteorologie und Geodynamik hosted an Antelope Users Group meeting 29-31 May, 2017 in Vienna, Austria.
The official meeting web-site is here:
ZAMG Antelope Users Group Meeting 2017
Selected talks from the meeting:
- OpenVPN (Stefan Radman)
- Obsidian and Etna2 Differences & New Stuff (Dennis Pumphrey)
- Rockhound Concept and Data Flow (Dennis Pumphrey)
- What’s New in Antelope 5.7 (Kent Lindquist)
- The New orb2orb Program (Kent Lindquist)
- Antelope CD1.1 Tools (Kent Lindquist)
- rtdemo_anza (Danny Harvey)
- A Step Toward a True Server-Client Datascope Capability: EVServer and EVClient (Danny Harvey)
- Expanded Antelope Python Qt Graphics Capabilities (Danny Harvey)