Contributed Code



BRTT makes no claims of ownership for any of the contributed software other than the software BRTT itself has contributed. BRTT disclaims any responsibility relating to the contributed software. Any use of the contributed-code software, including redistribution, should first be cleared with the original authors, if such terms are not already explicit in the LICENSE included with the software element in question.

Contributed software may be recognized by the following notation in the SUPPORT section of the man-page for the program:
Contributed code: NO BRTT support
or the following notation at the bottom of the man page for the program:
Antelope Contrib SW
The Antelope User Community produces open-source Contributed Software that is based on Antelope and designed to be used in conjunction with it. The contributed code is separately hosted by the Antelope User Community. The contributed code may be installed:
  • As an option during the Antelope installation process;
  • At a later time via the supplied install_contrib(1) script;
  • Downloading and installing the compiled tarball by hand; or
  • By compiling the contributed source-code oneself.

Itemized Steps — option A (Antelope installer option)

The default option to install the contributed code is to approve download and unpacking of the contributed-code tarball when prompted by the main Antelope installation program. This method requires a working internet connection that can connect to the appropriate web-site to download the contributed-code tarball:
  1. Install Antelope
  2. During the Antelope installation process, respond “Yes” when prompted by the installer to “Download contributed code?” (one of the last steps in the installation process)

Itemized Steps — option B (install_contrib(1) script)

If you choose not to install the contributed code during the Antelope installation process, or you do not have an internet connection at the time, you may install later via the install_contrib(1) script. This option also requires an internet connection:
  1. source the appropriate setup file ($ANTELOPE/setup.csh or $ANTELOPE/
  2. Run the program install_contrib

Itemized Steps — option C (download and install by hand)

In lieu of running the install_contrib(1) script, you may download and install the relevant files by hand:
  1. Check the current download location and filename:
    % pfecho install_antelope 'contribcode_params{download_site}' 'contribcode_params{filename}'
    contribcode_params{filename}    Darwin_x86_contrib.tar.bz2
  2. Download the file with web-browser, wget or similar utility:
    % wget '' 
    (Note that the URL will change depending on the platform you’re on)
  3. Install the contributed-code file:
    % mv Darwin_x86_contrib.tar.bz2 /opt/antelope
    % cd /opt/antelope
    % bunzip2 -c Darwin_x86_contrib.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -

Itemized Steps — option D (compile from source)

If you wish, you may download the contributed-code source and compile it yourself:
    1. Make sure Antelope is installed
    2. source the appropriate setup file $ANTELOPE/setup.csh or $ANTELOPE/
    3. In a terminal window or shell, run the following:
      1. % cd $ANTELOPE
      2. % mkdir contrib
      3. % cd contrib
      4. % git clone src
      5. % cd src
      6. % make Include
      7. % make install
Note that if developers have committed changes to the contributed-code repository that are incompatible with the version of Antelope you are running, the affected contributed-code programs may not work. We reiterate that BRTT does not provide support for contributed code, including for compilation problems. For support on compiling and/or using contributed-code programs, please contact the originating author(s) (hopefully listed in the man-pages for the programs/libraries in question), or the Antelope User Community.

Requests for support should be made to the original authors, who should be identified in the man-page. None of the contributed software libraries and programs are constrained by Antelope licensing. Source code for the contributed software modules may be obtained via the Antelope Users Group web site.

BRTT leaves the management and contents of the contributed code repository as much as possible to the user community, with the one exception that we will occasionally submit programs of possible interest.

BRTT recommends contributed-code software adhere to a few simple guidelines. These are just suggestions; BRTT will not police what our users do:

  1. We suggest each utility have a man-page with author/affiliation, name, and synopsis (usage line) specified
  2. We suggest each utility have a Makefile compatible with ANTELOPEMAKE, as described by the man-page antelopemakefile(5)
  3. We suggest each utility have an explicit license, saved in a file called LICENSE in the source-code directory, so other users know what is OK for them to do with the code, and presumably one that allows the Antelope User Community to use and distribute it.

There are many available open-source licenses, not all of which are created equal. Some examples of licenses that work well include: