Antelope 5.13 released on May 1, 2023

Our support of releases prior to Antelope 5.13 is now shifted over to this new release. All future maintenance and support requests must be relative to this new release.

Antelope 5.13 runs on 64-bit x86 Linux RedHat version 8, CentOS version 7.9, Ubuntu version 22, and macOS 12 and 13 (Monterey and Ventura) operating systems on both Intel and M1 architectures. As before, we recommend Linux as the first choice for enterprise-class monitoring. When installing Linux, we also recommend installing a complete release, e.g. with the “Development and Creative Workstation” RHEL8 environment group selectable during installation.

There are many changes in the Antelope 5.13 release relative to the previous releases. The changes are summarized in the Changes file in the ISO image root directory.

Some of the important new developments this year:

  • Ubuntu Linux – Antelope 5.13 supports Ubuntu 22 Linux (compiled on Ubuntu 22.04) as well as on our previous platforms
  • Nginx Web Server – We have built the Nginx web server into the Antelope release in support of further web capabilities. 
  • Docker – We have constructed our first release of Antelope as a Docker image, based on the new Ubuntu Linux compilation

You may download an ISO image of the new release, along with installation instructions, from